Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's Back!

OMG!  I just found out yesterday that the new season of Project Runway is starting in two weeks! I could have sworn it started later in the year.  I guess I was thinking of something else. 
I love this program.  The characters are great to watch and watching them work is amazing. One of the things I love best about it is the "make it work" ethic.  It makes me realize that there are no excuses to doing what you want to do.  Even if it's not what you want at the moment you need to just get in there and make it work, and most of the time it comes out better than you would have even imagined.
I wanted to make sure not to let too many days lapse in writing this blog, but my hubby is home and we're painting the kitchen (I'm lying; he's the one that's painting) and I've been off my schedule. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things, including getting back to my painting.  I haven't been and it's driving me crazy!  Hope to show some new work soon!
Meanwhile, "make it work"!
Carol B.   
P.S. Speaking of making it work, I just noticed the photo I wanted to post above for Project Runway did not come out.  How do I make that work?? Oh well.  Keep trying. :)  

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