Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blue Necklace

I wish I could take better pictures of the necklaces I've been making.
One day I will, but not right now.
Meanwhile, here is another necklace and no, I'm not going to make up a story to go with it. I would actually like to but today I subbed for a kinder class, so again, I'm running on empty. That's why I didn't post yesterday but I wanted to make sure to get here today.
I'm thinking about this and it's a bummer because I realize how much I really like writing something I feel is thoughtful and significant.
Oh well.
For today I'm showing you this necklace and always keep in mind that they look much more beautiful in person.
I really want to start up my Etsy shop again and put these in, in which case I will make sure to put up better pictures.
I think I'm rambling so I'll stop right here.
Hope my thoughts are working better next week.
'Til later,
Carol B.

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